Let’s Talk Ideas Photo Contest
Congratulations to all of our winners!
Our Grand Prize Winner is Lasting Summer Serenity by Kimberly Hamilton.
Kimberly won $1,000 and a featured spot in the "Let's Talk Ideas" fine art show at Gurevich Fine Art.
Lasting Summer Serenity - Kimbery Hammilton
“I submitted this photo to the “Let’s Talk Ideas” contest because I felt that it fit the concept theme. My photo titled Lasting Summer Serenity captures the idea that we need to protect the natural environment and preserve the remaining serene places on earth.”
- Kimberly Hamilton
The Secondary Prize Winners will all receive $100 and a place in the “Let’s Talk Ideas” fine art show at Gurevich Fine Art. The “Let’s Talk Ideas” fine art show will run from August 2, 2013 until August 30, 2013 at Gurevich Fine Art located at 200 – 62 Albert Street, Winnipeg MB.
The winners of the “Let’s Talk Ideas” photo contest were decided by public vote on Facebook.
Let's Do it -Austin Nestor Montero Quintana
I really didn’t know how to make a picture of an idea. But just when I was thinking of that, one of my rats came to me and he look me like trying to tell me something. This was the moment when de idea struck me!
-Austin Nestor Montero Quintana
Piensa Verde -Carlos Ocampo Valdez
A child is in theory a human machine multiple creative ideas, thanks to having enough imagination as well as his great sympathy and wide range of gestures and expressions involved in the broadest sense to “express”, which is actually what is sought to raise an idea! express!
-Carlos Ocampo Valdez
Recycling for everyone -Diana Snoke Thompson
Can a photo of a humble receptacle become the star of a fine photography show?
Do the viewers have a sense of humor?
Have you ever traveled alone to Interloken, Switzerland when it is too warm for skiing and too cold for water sports? Therefore, the town was fairly deserted, except for the pickpocket ladies at the train station? The lone receptacle is my symbol of a vacation gone wrong, somehow.
Recycling is saving the planet, but this bin says it is for all. No recycling going on at this spot.
The German word for Thank You at the top says, “Thank you for looking at my photo.”
Next time you drop trash on the ground by mistake, pick it up and look for me, the lowly trash can.
-Diana Snoke Thompson
Snowed In? -Maria Cristina Travaglio
I was born in Venezuela, a tropical country with no seasons, only 26 to 30 degrees weather the whole year round. In most other countries winter does exist of course and the image “Snowed in?” represents a feeling of being stuck in this cold weather (unknown to me until I moved to Europe) and being “snowed in”. Yet, I quickly learned that winter is a beautiful season, and that snow and its color and texture actually allows for wonderful photography.
So, Let’s Talk [photography] Ideas, and warm the brain up.
-Maria Cristina Travaglio
Flowergenics -Marie LeBlanc
Flowergenics fits the theme of lets talk ideas in the fact that I took an original pink prickly flower and changed the genes dramatically. It now looks like a sea urchin, starfish, coral reef or something under water. This picture represents a new form of life and how anything is energy in motion. This picture evokes emotions of reality out of this world or of another world. How does anyone see this picture…..is it light and darkness or a bad hair day…..it could be anything….what ideas does it spark in you.
-Marie LeBlanc
Ideas Through My Eye -Owen Reyes
It’s simply because it express an idea. This is expressing a simple idea through the eye. “Ideas through my eye” basically a portrait shot of mine which can be involved a different kinds of ideas like hope, simplicity, reality, beauty, future and some other great ideas. It’s simple but meaningful and full of content. It’s a work of art.
-Owen Reyes
Umbrella Mania -S.M. Shajjad Hossain Shajib
The main purpose of this image was to show different colors on the same platform. We want this world without any racism. Different colors, different religious people should respect each-other. There should be no boundaries of color, religion etc. We want a world of immense love and peace.
-S.M. Shajjad Hossain Shajib
Look Back -Sherwin Sapatua
The pictures shows the theme “lets talk about idea”, because it reflects the being curious of a child.
-Sherwin Sapatua
Peaceful -Tara Mills
This photo has always been a favorite of mine. Just looking at it makes you think and wonder. Of past,present and the future. It can really make your inagination run.Make’s me think of what I could do splash, play or ju,p in the water. Go hiking in the tree, or what if the trees wasnt there.or how did the stream form there. It really make’s you think. Or how about what could I put there, how about a log cabin there.I have so many ides about the picture.
-Tara Mills
Untitled -Victoria Wadkins
The images that were chosen for my entry fit within “Let’s Talk Ideas” on a matter of how far we have come as beings. Many years ago, we started out simply, and through working together, researching, and learning new things everyday, we have discovered insight in many new things. Some things can be as simple as coming up with little bonding games for children to play, or as complex as creating a tram system. Everything we have to this day, was created with an idea and team work.
-Victoria Wadkins
Congratulations to all our winners!
Thank you to everyone who submitted photos and voted!